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Oktet Suha
EDicija_017 ist the result of a more than ten years cooperation with Oktet Suha´s artistic leader Eduard Oraže. The compositions were made for different faculties as festivals, anniversarys or concert tours. They were presented a capella or in acoompany with excellent musicians as Roman Pechmann, Christian Filipič or Eduard Oraže. The compositions use old folk songs or lyrics of slovenian songwriters. The only german hit song is a tribute to the unforgettable Roger Cicero.
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Oktet Suha
Na sred vasi
Retaining the old and create something new, was over the years the motto of the Oktet Suha. With the CD Na sred vasi (In the middle of the village), we offer you a thorough collection of Slovenian folk songs, which are active on different occasions, celebrations and merry rounds in Neuhaus/Suha and in Southern Carinthia until today. We hope you enjoy listening and singing along.
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Oktet Suha
One of the main intentions of the Oktet Suha has always been to revive the old traditional folksongs as well as to enrich the Carinthian music scene with new compositions in our language. By doing so we have also always shown our respect to other cultures and languages. And this is what you will find on our new CD „Oktet Suha - International“.
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Oktet Suha
Srečne ste jasli
Oktet Suha je posnel s to zgoščenko svoje najlepše slovenske adventne in božične pesmi treh desetletij delovanja. Pri tem pevci črpajo iz bogate zakladnice koroških in vseslovenskih ljudskih in umetnih duhovnih pesmi. Sedem adventnih in sedem božičnih pesmi dopolnjujeta dve podjunski koledniški za novo leto in za praznik svetih Treh kraljev. Najstarejše pesmi segajo daleč v 18. stoletje in so že zdavnaj del ljudskega izročila. Koroška posebnost so oznanjenjske pesmi, prav tako pa dve skladbi iz znane Drabosnjakove Pastirske igre iz 18. stoletja ter dve ljudski božični iz Gorenč, kraja severno od Drave. Pet pesmi je priredil Matevž Fabijan, dve pa Bertej Logar. Oba sta bila dolga leta umetniška vodja Okteta Suha. Iz bogate zapuščine Franceta Cigana (1908-1971), duhovnika in zbiratelja ljudskih pesmi, je pet skladb, dve pa je harmoniziral Günter Antesberger. Višek je vsekakor Fabijanova mojstrska osemglasna priredba pesmi Sveta noč.
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Oktet Suha
Žívijo na svet
2009 & 2013
Desde su formación, la importante misión de Oktet Suha ha sido revivir las antiguas, ya casi olvidadas canciones populares de Carintia y enriquecer la cultura coral de los eslovenos de la misma región con nuevas composiciones y arreglos. Este trabajo fue premiado entre otros con el Premio Europeo para el Arte Musical Popular y la Placa de Plata JSKD otorgada por la República de Eslovenia. Con este CD, nuestro séptimo, les ofrecemos una nueva serie de nuevas grabaciones de canciones populares con arreglos de Pavle Kernjak, Anton Nagele y Edi Oraže. Con motivo de nuestra gira musical por Argentina en el 2009, hemos agregado algunos de los éxitos eslovenos de años anteriores que nos son muy cercanos al corazón. Esperamos que también sean de su agrado.
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Oktet Suha
CD on the opportunity of 25 years Oktet Suha.
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Oktet Suha et al.
Festival Suha
Performing groups that have been guest at Neuhaus-Suha castel during the last years.
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Oktet Suha
... imamo se fajn - RAZPRODANA / AUSVERKAUFT
Carinthian Folk songs, art songs, popular songs and international folk songs.
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Oktet Suha
The most beloved songs of Oktet Suha from 1987 to 1999.
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Oktet Suha et al.
Čar božiča
Slovenian advent and x-mas songs perfomed by Kvartet bratov Smrtnik, Kvartet Borovlje, Vox and Oktet Suha.
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Oktet Suha et al.
Jauntaler für Jauntaler
Top Choirs from the Jaun-valley perform togehter.
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Oktet Suha
Avstralija 1999
Documentation about the three weeks tour to Australia in 1999.
Oktet Suha et al.
Heimat ist ... Domovina je ... Casa è ...
Corporate production with Singgemeinschaft Kötschach-Mauthen and Quintetto Femminile Lussari.
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Oktet Suha
Slovenian and international songs of Oktet Suha
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Oktet Suha
Ena se mi dopadva je - RAZPRODANA / AUSVERKAUFT
Slovenian folk songs from Carinthia and rhythmic art songs by Oktet Suha.
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Oktet Suha
Le korajžno
Old carinthina slovenian folk songs mixed with popular songs.
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Oktet Suha
First own production of Oktet Suha with international folk songs, partly performed in Esperanto.
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Oktet Suha et al.
O Podjuna, kako si lepa
Corporate music production with Podjuna Pliberk-Bleiburg and PIS Žvabek-Schwabegg
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Nominee Unser Europa 2023